How do I activate my Analytics Cloud product? (Video Tutorial)


Administrators when first accessing their project are presented with the activation form for their Analytics Cloud product. If this step was skipped, please navigate to Product Activation on the sidebar navigation and select Analytics Cloud.

Under Activation Status you will see a link to complete your activation form only if the status is Not Activated. Please click the link and fill out the required information: 

  • Owner Email
  • Workspace Name
  • Data Center Location
  • Workspace Friendly URL
  • Allowed Email Domains
  • Time Zone
  • Critical Incident Contacts

Once the form is submitted, your information will be sent to our Liferay team for processing and the Activation Status will change to In Progress. 

Activation will be completed in 1-3 business days and Administrators will be notified via email. Your Activation Status will then change to Activated. 

Note: please refer to AC initial steps to understand what is expected and steps to follow after the activation is done by Liferay

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