In this article, you’ll learn how to configure import settings, export settings, and related LDAP configuration settings.
To access LDAP configuration settings, navigate to Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings → Security → LDAP. There are four categories on the left: Export, General, Import, and Servers. The Servers category was covered in the last article. The rest are covered below.
Enable Export: Check this box to export user accounts to LDAP. A listener
tracks changes made to the User
object and pushes updates to the LDAP server
whenever a User
object is modified. Note that by default on every login,
fields such as lastLoginDate
are updated. When export is enabled, this causes
a user export every time the user logs in. You can prevent updates to users’
fields from triggering LDAP user exports by setting the
following property in your
Enable Group Export: Export groups to LDAP.
Enabled: Check this box to enable LDAP Authentication.
Required: Check this box if LDAP authentication is required. Users can’t log in unless they can bind to the LDAP directory successfully. Uncheck this box if users with Liferay DXP accounts but no LDAP accounts can log in.
Use LDAP Password Policy: Liferay DXP uses its own password policy by default. This can be configured on the Control Panel’s Password Policies page. Check the Use LDAP Password Policy box if you want to use the password policies defined by your LDAP directory. Once this is enabled, the Password Policies tab states that you are not using a local password policy. You must now use your LDAP directory’s mechanism for setting password policies. Liferay DXP cannot enforce these policies; the best it can do is pass through the messages returned by your LDAP server. It does this by parsing the messages in the LDAP controls the server returns. By default, Liferay DXP is configured to parse the messages returned by the Fedora Directory Server. If you use a different LDAP server, you must customize the messages in System Settings → Security → LDAP → Connection.
Method: Choose Bind (the default) or Password Compare. Bind does a standard LDAP bind; Password Compare attempts to compare Liferay and LDAP passwords using the encryption algorithm specified in the field below. Password Compare is rarely used.
Password Encryption Algorithm: Choose the password encryption algorithm your LDAP server uses to encrypt passwords so they can be compared if using the Password Compare bind method. This is rarely used.
You can import user data from LDAP directories using the following options:
Enable Import: Check this box to do a mass import from your LDAP directories. Otherwise, Users are imported as they log in.
Figure 1: Ziltoid and Rex have been imported because they logged in.
Enable Import on Startup: Check this box to do the mass import when Liferay DXP starts. Note: this box only appears if you check Enable Import, described above. Definitely leave this unchecked if you have a Liferay DXP cluster, or all your nodes will do a mass import when each of them starts up.
Import Interval: When mass importing users, import users every X minutes.
Import Method: Set either User or Group. If you set this to User, Liferay DXP imports all users from the location specified in the server connection. If you set this to Group, Liferay DXP searches all the groups and imports the users in each group. If you have users who do not belong to any groups, they are not imported.
Lock Expiration Time: Set the account lock expiration time for LDAP User import. The default is one day.
Import User Sync Strategy: Set the strategy used to sync user accounts. Options are Auth Type (i.e., the way the user authenticates, like with screen name) and UUID (requires a UUID attribute in LDAP).
Enable User Password on Import: Assign a default password (see below) when users are imported, so they can be synced between the two systems.
Autogenerate User Password on Import: Create a random password on user import.
Default User Password: Enter the default password users are assigned when they first log in via LDAP.
Enable Group Cache on Import: Cache the imported groups so import isn’t slowed by database access.
Create Role per Group on Import: For every LDAP group, create a corresponding Liferay Role.
LDAP Servers: Liferay DXP supports connections to multiple LDAP servers. Use the Add button to add LDAP servers. Each LDAP server has several configuration options explained here.
Once you’ve finished configuring LDAP, click the Save button.
LDAP Options Available in System Settings
Although most LDAP configuration can be done from Instance Settings, there are several configuration parameters that are only available in System Settings. There are also settings duplicated from the ones in Instance Settings. These change the default settings for new virtual instances (see note below).
If you must change any of these options, navigate to Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings. Go to the Security section and find the entries with LDAP in the title. The only new settings here are in the Connection entry.
Use the Connection entry to manage error properties like Error password age keywords which lets you set a list of phrases from error messages which can possibly be returned by the LDAP server. When a user binds to LDAP, the server returns controls with its response of success or failure. These controls contain a message describing the error or the information that is returned with the response. Though the controls are the same across LDAP servers, the messages can be different. The properties described here contain snippets of words from those messages and work with Red Hat’s Fedora Directory Server. If you are not using that server, the word snippets may not work with your LDAP server. If they don’t, you can replace the values of these properties with phrases from your server’s error messages. This enables Liferay DXP to recognize them.