Creating Color Schemes for Your Theme

Color schemes give your theme additional color palettes. With just a small amount of changes to your theme’s CSS, you can subtly change the look of your theme, while maintaining the same design and feel to it.

Figure 1: Color schemes give administrators some choices for your themes look.

Figure 1: Color schemes give administrators some choices for your theme's look.

Follow these steps to create color schemes for your theme:

  1. Open the theme’s WEB-INF/liferay-look-and-feel.xml file and follow the pattern below to add the default color scheme. If your default styles are in _custom.scss, use the default <css-class> as shown in the example below. See the liferay-look-and-feel DTD for an explanation of each of the elements used below:

    <theme id="my-theme-id" name="My Theme Name">
       <color-scheme id="01" name="My Default Color Scheme Name">
  2. Add the remaining color schemes below the default color scheme, using the pattern below. Note that the IDs, names, and CSS classes must be unique for each color scheme.

    <color-scheme id="id-number" name="Color Scheme Name">

    An example liferay-look-and-feel.xml configuration is shown below:

    	<theme id="my-great-theme" name="My Great Theme">
    		<color-scheme id="01" name="Default">
    		<color-scheme id="02" name="Dark">
    		<color-scheme id="03" name="Light">
    		<portlet-decorator ...>
  3. Create a folder for your color schemes (color_schemes for example) in the theme’s css folder, and add a .scss file to it for each color scheme your theme supports, excluding the default color scheme since those styles are included in _custom.scss.

  4. The color scheme class is added to the theme’s <body> element when the color scheme is applied, so add the class to the color scheme’s styles to target the proper color scheme. The example below specifies styles for a color scheme with the class day: { background-color: #DDF; }
    .day a { color: #66A; }
  5. Import the color scheme .scss files into the theme’s _custom.scss file. The example below imports _day.scss and _night.scss files:

    @import "color_schemes/day";
    @import "color_schemes/night";
  6. Create a folder for each color scheme in your theme’s images folder, and add a thumbnail preview for them. The folder name must match the color scheme’s CSS class name.

There you have it. Now you can go color scheme crazy with your themes!

« Creating a Thumbnail Preview for Your ThemeMaking Configurable Theme Settings »
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