Solr can be configured for use with Liferay DXP 7.2. Liferay Marketplace includes
a Solr connector app called the Liferay Connector to Solr 7. The connector is
configurable through System Settings or an OSGi configuration file named
deployed to [Liferay_Home]/osgi/configs
The list below is all the configuration settings for Liferay’s Solr connector, in the order they appear in the System Settings application:
Solr 7
- A String with the value of BASIC or CERT. Use BASIC when connecting using the Basic Authentication plugin, otherwise select CERT to connect using 2-way SSL authentication.
- A String with the value of REPLICATED or CLOUD. Use the default (REPLICATED) when connecting to a single-node Solr server. Specify CLOUD to connect to SolrCloud (see the next section, titled High Availability with SolrCloud for more information).
- A boolean value that, when set to true, only logs exceptions from Solr, without rethrowing them.
- A String array with the URLs to which Liferay will send search requests. This
will be different from the
if you use separate servers for indexing (write) and searching (read). writeURL=http://localhost:8983/solr/liferay
- A String array with the URLs to which Liferay will send indexing requests.
This is different from the
if you use separate servers for indexing (write) and searching (read). zkHost=localhost:9983
- A String with the ZooKeeper host and port. This is required when using the adapter in CLOUD mode.