Liferay's Workflow Framework

To workflow-enable your entities,

  1. Create a Workflow Handler
  2. Update the Service Layer
  3. Update the User Interface

Time to get started.

Creating a Workflow Handler

If you’re in a Service Builder application, the workflow handler goes in your -service module.

  1. Create a Component class that extends BaseWorkflowHandler<T>.

    @Component(immediate = true, service = WorkflowHandler.class)
    public class FooEntityWorkflowHandler extends BaseWorkflowHandler<FooEntity>
  2. Override three methods in the workflow handler.

    public String getClassName() {
        return FooEntity.class.getName();
    public String getType(Locale locale) {
        return ResourceActionsUtil.getModelResource(locale, getClassName());
    public FooEntity updateStatus(int status, Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext) throws PortalException {
    ... }

    Most of the heavy lifting is in the updateStatus method. It returns a call to a local service method of the same name (for example, FooEntityLocalService.updateStatus), so the status returned from the workflow back-end can be persisted to the entity table in the database.

    The updateStatus method needs a user ID, the primary key for the class (for example, fooEntityId), the workflow status, the service context, and the workflow context. The status and the workflow context can be obtained from the workflow back-end. The other parameters can be obtained from the workflow context. Here’s an example updateStatus method:

    public FooEntity updateStatus(
            int status, Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext)
        throws PortalException {
        long userId = GetterUtil.getLong(
        long classPK = GetterUtil.getLong(
        ServiceContext serviceContext = (ServiceContext)workflowContext.get(
        return _fooEntityLocalService.updateStatus(
            userId, classPK, status, serviceContext);

Now your entity can be handled by Liferay’s workflow framework. Next, update the service methods to account for workflow status and add a new method to update the status of an entity in the database.

Updating the Service Layer

In most Liferay applications, Service Builder is used to create database fields. First, you must update the service layer:

  1. Make sure your entity database table has status, statusByUserId, statusByUserName, and statusDate fields.

    <column name="status" type="int" />
    <column name="statusByUserId" type="long" />
    <column name="statusByUserName" type="String" />
    <column name="statusDate" type="Date" />
  2. Wherever you’re setting the other database fields in your persistence code, set the workflow status as a draft and set the other fields.


    With Service Builder driven Liferay applications, this is in the local service implementation class (-LocalServiceImpl).

  3. At the end of any method that adds a new entity to your database, call the workflow service to enable sending the entity into the workflow backend:

        fooEntity.getCompanyId(), fooEntity.getGroupId(), fooEntity.getUserId(),
        FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntity.getPrimaryKey(), fooEntity,
  4. Implement the updateStatus method that must be called in the workflow handler. In the end, persist the updated entity to the database.

  5. Do anything else that might make sense here, like changing the visibility of the asset depending on its workflow status:

    if (status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED) {
            FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntityId, true);
    else {
            FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntityId, false);

    Here’s what a full updateStatus method might look like:

    @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
    public FooEntity updateStatus(
        long userId, long fooEntityId, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext
    ) throws PortalException, SystemException {
    		User user = userLocalService.getUser(userId);
    		FooEntity fooEntity = getFooEntity(fooEntityId);
    		fooEntity.setStatusDate(new Date());
    		if (status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED) {
              FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntityId, true);
        else {
              FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntityId, false);
    		return fooEntity;
  6. Add a call to deleteWorkflowInstanceLinks in the deleteEntity method:

        fooEntity.getCompanyId(), fooEntity.getGroupId(),
        FooEntity.class.getName(), fooEntity.getFooEntityId());

    To get the WorkflowInstanceLocalService injected into your *LocalServiceBaseImpl so you can call its methods in the LocalServiceImpl, add this to your entity declaration in service.xml:

    <reference entity="WorkflowInstanceLink" package-path="com.liferay.portal" />

For an example of a fully implemented updateStatus method, see the com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service.impl.BlogsEntryLocalServiceImpl class in portal-impl.

Once you’ve accounted for workflow status in your database and service layer, there’s only one thing left to do: update the user interface.

Workflow Status and the View Layer

This is dependent on the needs of your application, but often involves the following these steps:

Display only approved entities:

  1. If you’re using Service Builder, define your finder in your application’s service.xml and let Service Builder generate it for you.

    <finder name="G_S" return-type="Collection">
        <finder-column name="groupId"></finder-column>
        <finder-column name="status"></finder-column>
  2. Make sure you have a getter in your service layer that uses the new finder.

    public List<FooEntity> getFooEntities(long groupId, int status)
        throws SystemException {
        return fooEntityPersistence.findByG_S(
            groupId, WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED);
  3. Finally, update your JSP to use the appropriate getter.

        results="<%= FooEntityLocalServiceUtil.getFooEntities(
            scopeGroupId, fooEntityId(), Workflowconstants.STATUS_APPROVED,
            searchContainer.getStart(), searchContainer.getEnd()) %>"

Display the workflow status:

When you want to display the workflow status, use the <aui:worklfow-status> tag.

<aui:workflow-status markupView="lexicon" showIcon="<%= false %>" showLabel="<%= false %>" status="<%= fooEntity.getStatus() %>" />

Once your user interface accounts for workflow, your Liferay application is fully workflow enabled.

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