Creating Portlet Data Handlers

In this tutorial, you’ll create the BookmarksPortletModelDataHandler class used for the Bookmarks application. The Bookmarks application’s portlet data handler tracks system events dealing with Bookmarks entities. It also configures the Export/Import and Staging UI options for the Bookmarks application.

  1. Create a new package in your existing Service Builder project for your data handler classes. For instance, the Bookmarks application’s data handler classes reside in the bookmarks-service module’s package.

  2. Create your -PortletDataHandler class for your application in the new package and have it implement the PortletDataHandler interface by extending the BasePortletDataHandler class. For example,

    public class BookmarksPortletDataHandler extends BasePortletDataHandler {
  3. Create an @Component annotation section above the class declaration:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
            "" + BookmarksPortletKeys.BOOKMARKS
        service = PortletDataHandler.class
  4. Set what the portlet data handler controls and the portlet’s Export/Import and Staging UIs by adding an activate method:

    protected void activate() {
            new StagedModelType(BookmarksEntry.class),
            new StagedModelType(BookmarksFolder.class));
            new PortletDataHandlerBoolean(
                NAMESPACE, "entries", true, false, null,

    Figure 1: You can select the content types youd like to export/import in the UI.

    Figure 1: You can select the content types you'd like to export/import in the UI.

  5. For the Bookmarks portlet data handler to reference its entry and folder staged models successfully, you must set them in your class:

    @Reference(unbind = "-")
    protected void setBookmarksEntryLocalService(
        BookmarksEntryLocalService bookmarksEntryLocalService) {
        _bookmarksEntryLocalService = bookmarksEntryLocalService;
    @Reference(unbind = "-")
    protected void setBookmarksFolderLocalService(
        BookmarksFolderLocalService bookmarksFolderLocalService) {
        _bookmarksFolderLocalService = bookmarksFolderLocalService;
    private BookmarksEntryLocalService _bookmarksEntryLocalService;
    private BookmarksFolderLocalService _bookmarksFolderLocalService;

    The set methods must be annotated with the @Reference annotation.

    Important: Liferay DXP’s official Bookmarks app does not use local services in its portlet data handler; instead, it uses the StagedModelRepository framework. This is a new framework, but is a viable option when setting up your portlet data handlers. For more information on this, see the Providing Entity-Specific Local Services for Staging tutorial section. Since local services are more widely used in custom apps, this tutorial covers those instead.

  6. You must create a namespace for your entities so the Export/Import framework can identify your application’s entities from other entities in Liferay DXP. The Bookmarks application’s namespace declaration looks like this:

    public static final String NAMESPACE = "bookmarks";

    You’ll see how this namespace is used later.

  7. Your portlet data handler should retrieve the data related to its staged model entities so it can properly export/import it. Add this functionality by inserting the following methods:

    protected String doExportData(
            final PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String portletId,
            PortletPreferences portletPreferences)
        throws Exception {
        Element rootElement = addExportDataRootElement(portletDataContext);
        if (!portletDataContext.getBooleanParameter(NAMESPACE, "entries")) {
            return getExportDataRootElementString(rootElement);
            "group-id", String.valueOf(portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId()));
        ExportActionableDynamicQuery folderActionableDynamicQuery =
        ActionableDynamicQuery entryActionableDynamicQuery =
        return getExportDataRootElementString(rootElement);
    protected PortletPreferences doImportData(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String portletId,
            PortletPreferences portletPreferences, String data)
        throws Exception {
        if (!portletDataContext.getBooleanParameter(NAMESPACE, "entries")) {
            return null;
        Element foldersElement = portletDataContext.getImportDataGroupElement(
        List<Element> folderElements = foldersElement.elements();
        for (Element folderElement : folderElements) {
                portletDataContext, folderElement);
        Element entriesElement = portletDataContext.getImportDataGroupElement(
        List<Element> entryElements = entriesElement.elements();
        for (Element entryElement : entryElements) {
                portletDataContext, entryElement);
        return null;
  8. Add a method that counts the number of affected entities based on the current export or staging process:

    protected void doPrepareManifestSummary(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext,
            PortletPreferences portletPreferences)
        throws Exception {
        if (ExportImportDateUtil.isRangeFromLastPublishDate(
                portletDataContext)) {
                new StagedModelType[] {
                    new StagedModelType(BookmarksEntry.class.getName()),
                    new StagedModelType(BookmarksFolder.class.getName())
        ActionableDynamicQuery entryExportActionableDynamicQuery =
        ActionableDynamicQuery folderExportActionableDynamicQuery =

    This number is displayed in the Export and Staging UI. Note that since the Staging framework traverses the entity graph during export, the built-in components provide an approximate value in some cases.

    Figure 2: The number of modified Bookmarks entities are displayed in the Export UI.

    Figure 2: The number of modified Bookmarks entities are displayed in the Export UI.

  9. Set the XML schema version for the XML files included in your exported LAR file:

    public static final String SCHEMA_VERSION = "1.0.0";
    public String getSchemaVersion() {
        return SCHEMA_VERSION;
    public boolean validateSchemaVersion(String schemaVersion) {
        return _portletDataHandlerHelper.validateSchemaVersion(
            schemaVersion, getSchemaVersion());

Awesome! You’ve set up your portlet data handler and your application can now support the Export/Import framework and display a UI for it. Be sure to also implement staged model data handlers for your staged models. See the Creating Staged Model Data Handlers for more information.

« Developing Data HandlersCreating Staged Model Data Handlers »
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