In this tutorial, you’ll create the BookmarksPortletModelDataHandler
used for the Bookmarks application. The Bookmarks application’s portlet data
handler tracks system events dealing with Bookmarks entities. It also configures
the Export/Import and Staging UI options for the Bookmarks application.
Create a new package in your existing Service Builder project for your data handler classes. For instance, the Bookmarks application’s data handler classes reside in the
package. -
Create your
class for your application in the
package and have it implement the PortletDataHandler interface by extending the BasePortletDataHandler class. For example,public class BookmarksPortletDataHandler extends BasePortletDataHandler {
Create an
annotation section above the class declaration:@Component( immediate = true, property = { "" + BookmarksPortletKeys.BOOKMARKS }, service = PortletDataHandler.class )
Set what the portlet data handler controls and the portlet’s Export/Import and Staging UIs by adding an
method:@Activate protected void activate() { setDataPortletPreferences("rootFolderId"); setDeletionSystemEventStagedModelTypes( new StagedModelType(BookmarksEntry.class), new StagedModelType(BookmarksFolder.class)); setExportControls( new PortletDataHandlerBoolean( NAMESPACE, "entries", true, false, null, BookmarksEntry.class.getName())); setStagingControls(getExportControls()); }
Figure 1: You can select the content types you'd like to export/import in the UI.
For the Bookmarks portlet data handler to reference its entry and folder staged models successfully, you must set them in your class:
@Reference(unbind = "-") protected void setBookmarksEntryLocalService( BookmarksEntryLocalService bookmarksEntryLocalService) { _bookmarksEntryLocalService = bookmarksEntryLocalService; } @Reference(unbind = "-") protected void setBookmarksFolderLocalService( BookmarksFolderLocalService bookmarksFolderLocalService) { _bookmarksFolderLocalService = bookmarksFolderLocalService; } private BookmarksEntryLocalService _bookmarksEntryLocalService; private BookmarksFolderLocalService _bookmarksFolderLocalService;
methods must be annotated with the @Reference annotation.Important: Liferay DXP’s official Bookmarks app does not use local services in its portlet data handler; instead, it uses the
framework. This is a new framework, but is a viable option when setting up your portlet data handlers. For more information on this, see the Providing Entity-Specific Local Services for Staging tutorial section. Since local services are more widely used in custom apps, this tutorial covers those instead. -
You must create a namespace for your entities so the Export/Import framework can identify your application’s entities from other entities in Liferay DXP. The Bookmarks application’s namespace declaration looks like this:
public static final String NAMESPACE = "bookmarks";
You’ll see how this namespace is used later.
Your portlet data handler should retrieve the data related to its staged model entities so it can properly export/import it. Add this functionality by inserting the following methods:
@Override protected String doExportData( final PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String portletId, PortletPreferences portletPreferences) throws Exception { Element rootElement = addExportDataRootElement(portletDataContext); if (!portletDataContext.getBooleanParameter(NAMESPACE, "entries")) { return getExportDataRootElementString(rootElement); } portletDataContext.addPortletPermissions( BookmarksConstants.RESOURCE_NAME); rootElement.addAttribute( "group-id", String.valueOf(portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId())); ExportActionableDynamicQuery folderActionableDynamicQuery = _bookmarksFolderLocalService. getExportActionableDynamicQuery(portletDataContext); folderActionableDynamicQuery.performActions(); ActionableDynamicQuery entryActionableDynamicQuery = _bookmarksEntryLocalService. getExportActionableDynamicQuery(portletDataContext); entryActionableDynamicQuery.performActions(); return getExportDataRootElementString(rootElement); } @Override protected PortletPreferences doImportData( PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String portletId, PortletPreferences portletPreferences, String data) throws Exception { if (!portletDataContext.getBooleanParameter(NAMESPACE, "entries")) { return null; } portletDataContext.importPortletPermissions( BookmarksConstants.RESOURCE_NAME); Element foldersElement = portletDataContext.getImportDataGroupElement( BookmarksFolder.class); List<Element> folderElements = foldersElement.elements(); for (Element folderElement : folderElements) { StagedModelDataHandlerUtil.importStagedModel( portletDataContext, folderElement); } Element entriesElement = portletDataContext.getImportDataGroupElement( BookmarksEntry.class); List<Element> entryElements = entriesElement.elements(); for (Element entryElement : entryElements) { StagedModelDataHandlerUtil.importStagedModel( portletDataContext, entryElement); } return null; }
Add a method that counts the number of affected entities based on the current export or staging process:
@Override protected void doPrepareManifestSummary( PortletDataContext portletDataContext, PortletPreferences portletPreferences) throws Exception { if (ExportImportDateUtil.isRangeFromLastPublishDate( portletDataContext)) { _staging.populateLastPublishDateCounts( portletDataContext, new StagedModelType[] { new StagedModelType(BookmarksEntry.class.getName()), new StagedModelType(BookmarksFolder.class.getName()) }); return; } ActionableDynamicQuery entryExportActionableDynamicQuery = _bookmarksEntryLocalService. getExportActionableDynamicQuery(portletDataContext); entryExportActionableDynamicQuery.performCount(); ActionableDynamicQuery folderExportActionableDynamicQuery = _bookmarksFolderLocalService. getExportActionableDynamicQuery(portletDataContext); folderExportActionableDynamicQuery.performCount(); }
This number is displayed in the Export and Staging UI. Note that since the Staging framework traverses the entity graph during export, the built-in components provide an approximate value in some cases.
Figure 2: The number of modified Bookmarks entities are displayed in the Export UI.
Set the XML schema version for the XML files included in your exported LAR file:
public static final String SCHEMA_VERSION = "1.0.0"; @Override public String getSchemaVersion() { return SCHEMA_VERSION; } @Override public boolean validateSchemaVersion(String schemaVersion) { return _portletDataHandlerHelper.validateSchemaVersion( schemaVersion, getSchemaVersion()); }
Awesome! You’ve set up your portlet data handler and your application can now support the Export/Import framework and display a UI for it. Be sure to also implement staged model data handlers for your staged models. See the Creating Staged Model Data Handlers for more information.